Sunday, October 31, 2004

Passer By

Sitting here...watching...passer bys
walking...talking...wandering around
Suddenly it feels kinda lonely here... a busy place...funny!...
with nothing to do...waiting still...
for something to come my way...
How I wish somebody would come and say...
Hi! What are you doing here?
Maybe a long time friend who happened to be there
or some stranger with a nice smile
and as lonely as I am...
in a busy place with nothing to do or a way to go...
No business here for me!
Don't know why my feet brought me here....
Let's rest for a while....

29/10/04 Larkin Bus Stand

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Grow Your Head

Being the human being you are
You should consider a make over
Pass down the control to me
Let me show what life is
Grow your head
Stay ahead
Don’t be late
Take a shift in the road
Make a turn
It’s time to burn
Give me your hands
Look what I got for you
Something you can rely onto
Grow your head
Stay ahead
Don’t be late
Make the change, be the change
Grow your head

© Mosh.271103.6.52am. another haha in the huhu…

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Semut Gila

Duduk-duduk kat sini selalu sunyi
Iyelah, mestilah, di tempat-tempat sebegini, di waktu-waktu begini
Sebenarnya bukan aku saje sorang di sini
Bukan aku sorang saja sorang diri

Lihat tu ada semut-semut yang rajin
Tak reti tido-tido lagi
Macam aku, tak reti tido-tido lagi
Tapi aku tak serajin semut-semut itu
Tak sekuat semut-semut itu yang boleh mengangkat beban berpuluh-puluh kali berat dirinya

Kalaulah aku semut, aku mesti kuat
Mengangkat berat beban masalah-masalah aku ini
Tapi kalau aku semut, aku mesti tak tido juga walaupun dah kuat
Kalau aku semut, akulah semut yang paling keliru
Aku tak ikut barisan semut lain
Menyimpang tak tentu pasal
Iyelah, bosan! Angkat gula, letak gula, ambil gula, letak gula…
Aku boleh jadi semut gila!