Thursday, February 17, 2005

Conversations With Zen

The Naughty Legs
My auto reflexes to my disputes
My signal of refusal or total confuse
I channeled my anger through out my feet
My feet is doing the talking with all it’s beat
Can you hear my stomping?
Can you hear my heart beatings?
“These legs are made for walking
That is just what they’ll do
One of these day these legs are gonna walk all over you!”
(And they sing too!)

Stinking Center Of Gravity
My axis of balance attracted a new theme
My instinct tells me I’m expanding
My friends tells me I’m bloating
I’m beginning to feel and think the same thing
I’ve always believed that I’ll become what I believe
But other thoughts penetrates and my believe took a retrieve
Asking an opinion from my honest and reliable mirror
It only answered the physical but not the odour
For whatever it is and whatever it gonna be
I owned my new stinking center of gravity

Mythical Moles And Small Holes
A discovery of new growth in me
Appearing out of nowhere and quickly sets in
Some say it’s a cancer or signs of disease
Some say it’s just pigmentation and just stay at ease
I think it’s a sign of things to come
Adjusting changes that need to be done
On the other hand, it could be nothing
My mind is wandering and taking a fling

Faculties Of The Mind
We are depress when we are not happy
But we are happy to be depress
It’s like the meetings of two negatives
That churns out positive result
When parties of depress met together
Born are happy thoughts more ever

Your New Vehicle Of Sensitivity
Your shinny new vehicle that steals some attention
From me and other dormant important things that mattered
I don’t need to compete your love with it
I don’t feel to battle out for your consideration with it
Your new vehicle transported ego
For a moment I wished you’d let go…

Dengusanmu membuat aku rasa dipersalah
Keluhanmu membuat aku resah
Dengusanmu seperti marah atau menyampah
Keluhanmu membuat ku marah dan juga menyampah
Dengusanmu membuat ku rasa bosan
Keluhanku, dengusanku dan kesan selepas itu…

Gedegang! Piang! Piang!

02/10/2004 from Artificial Mosh


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